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Depression - When Should I Get Help?

Depression can include the normal feelings of sadness, loss or grief that everyone occasionally experiences.  What makes depression a concern  is the length or intensity, and when the person within a reasonable time does not start feeling better.  Collectively, the symptoms of depression can be very debilitating and significantly impact negatively daily life experiences.  Depression can be caused by situational and/or biological factors and people may cope differently depending upon their family history and personality.  Even short-term depression can impact one’s life, work  and relationships.  Below are a list of psychological and physical symptoms often related to depression. There are no correct answers.  They are intended to help you think about what is going on with you.  If individually or collectively these symptoms seem to be a problem, you may want to discuss these issues further with a friend, psychotherapist or doctor.   Fortunately treatment for depression of all types is quite good, and most people find a great deal of help both with symptom relief and learning how psychologically and behaviorally to have a more fulfilling life.  

_____ 1.  I feel down-hearted, blue, or sad more days than not.

_____ 2.  Morning is when I feel the worst.

_____3.  I have crying spells that don’t seem normal .

_____4.  I have trouble sleeping through the night.

_____5.  I eat less or more than I used to without trying.

_____6.  I feel less social than I used to or isolate more from my friends.

_____7.  I have lost or gained an unusual amount of weight without trying.

_____8. There is a history of depression in my family or myself when I was young.

_____9.  My mind is less focused than what I normally expect.

_____10. I don’t feel hopeful about the future or enjoy things the way I used to.

_____11. I am more irritable or quick to anger than I used to be.

_____12. I don’t seem to get over things like I feel I should.

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